Food for the skin

Food for the skin

Find out which are the best foods for your skin. Healthy food options that keep the skin nourished, protected and attractive.

Cigarette smoke

Factors influencing health

Discover some of the most important health influencing factors and what to do to reduce the many risks they pose.

Man drinking tea

Healthy drinks

Discover great healthy drinks that you can add to your diet and what their respective health benefits are.

Benefits of jumping rope

Benefits of jumping rope

In this post we tell you in detail what are the benefits of jumping rope on a regular basis. Learn all about it.

Mashed potatoes

Soft diet for gastroenteritis

Find out how to follow a bland diet for gastroenteritis. We explain what foods are allowed and which ones can make the situation worse.

Oatmeal for anxiety

Foods for anxiety

Discover the best foods for anxiety. Healthy options to relieve anxiety while getting important nutrients.



Discover superfoods that will help you strengthen your diet and your body thanks to their large doses of essential nutrients for the body.

Cold remedies

Cold remedies

Discover the best cold remedies. Tips and tricks to help you ease cold symptoms and recover faster.

Anaerobic capacity

Anaerobic capacity

In this article we tell you what anaerobic capacity is, how we can measure it and how you can train it to improve it.

Spinning benefits

Benefits of spinning

In this article you can find all the benefits of spinning. Learn how this exercise can benefit your health.

Healthy lifestyles

Healthy lifestyles

We explain what healthy lifestyles are and how you should acquire habits in your day-to-day life. Know the importance of it here.

Benefits of walking outdoors

Benefits of walking

In this article you will know all the benefits of walking. Learn about the advantages that walking can give you daily.

Bathroom scale

How to lose weight

Do those extra kilos bring you headlong? Discover how to lose weight effectively with this foolproof and healthy strategy.

Types of yoga

Types of yoga

Learn what benefits the practice of the different types of yoga can bring you in health. We tell you everything in detail here.

Ben Affleck in 'The Accountant'

How to improve concentration

Find out how to improve concentration. The best tricks and habits to strengthen your mind and prevent your concentration from leaving you at key moments.

It is always said that practicing some type of sport is good for both physical and mental health.  For many people, doing sports is mandatory or has to be forced since they have a sedentary lifestyle.  Physical exercise improves mental function, autonomy, speed, and the feeling of general well-being that helps us to have both better health and better image.  In this article we are going to explain what the benefits of sport are.  Sport and lifestyle For many, sport is part of their lifestyle.  There are those who practice soccer, basketball, tennis or simply know how to run or like some disciplines such as Crossfit or weight lifting.  There are those who think that those who are in the gym to gain muscle mass or lose fat do not do sports.  However, they are disciplines that help improve physical and mental performance and achieve the goal you set for yourself.  Healthy goals such as gaining muscle mass, improving athletic performance, improving physical endurance, strength, or losing excess fat.  There are also those who simply go to the gym to "get in shape."  Physical exercise must be carried out through previously proposed activity programs.  You cannot start training or playing a sport without any planning.  If, for example, you have decided to gain muscle mass in the gym, you must plan both your diet and your training.  There are thousands of variables to take into account to adapt planning to your level and your goal.  If you are a beginner, you should train with a volume, intensity and frequency that suits your response and recovery capacity.  Therefore, personal trainers do a good job in this area.  In the interaction that will take place between the body with space and time through movement, many learnings can be built on the human being.  This learning is achieved with the succession of educational experiences and the internalization of sports practice.  That is, a person cannot perform the technique well in the exercises or practice a sport perfectly the first time, but it is an experience that is acquired little by little with the passage of time and continuous practice.  This is one of the main mistakes people make when they start playing a sport.  They hope to achieve the correct plan and perfection that does not exist.  Later, they realize that it is more important to be consistent in time than they seek a non-existent perfection.  Benefits of sport on physical and mental health The world health organization estimates that between 9% and 16% of deaths that occur in developed countries are caused by a person's lack of physical exercise.  This is what we call sedentary life.  The health status of people is a fundamental factor that is combined with other determinants such as age, nutritional status, genetic endowment, stress and tobacco.  These variables are what make up the physical health of a person outside of sport.  If a person's lifestyle is healthy, combined with sports, it can have a synergistic effect.  We are going to see the main points of benefits of sport on health: • Playing sports frequently helps to lower the heart rate at rest.  This helps that the heart does not beat so many beats per minute or that, when we make an effort, the amount of blood that we expel in each beat increases.  This causes us to have better oxygenation in the brain and our muscles work better in response to the response.  • Stimulates circulation within the heart muscle by lowering blood pressure and increasing blood circulation in all muscles.  • Reduces the formation of clots within the arteries which helps us to have fewer strokes and cerebral thrombosis.  • Many women are concerned with the appearance of varicose veins even from a young age.  By improving circulation with sports, we prevent the appearance of varicose veins since we improve venous functioning.  • When we do physical exercise we are also increasing the body's ability to take advantage of the oxygen that comes to it through circulation.  This acts on the metabolism and the activity of muscle enzymes.  • For those who are overweight, physical exercise helps increase fat intake during physical activity.  This contributes to much sought after fat loss and muscle toning.  • Improves glucose tolerance favoring the treatment of diabetes.  • For those with high cholesterol levels, physical exercise can help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.  • Although many think that it is not related, one of the benefits of sport is that it contributes to maintaining a fulfilling sex life.  • Let's not forget that by doing sports we will strengthen structures such as bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage, improving the function of the entire skeletal muscle system and improving quality of life.  Benefits of sport on the psychological aspect Although it is not directly correlated, there is evidence that people who perform physical activity frequently in their lives have an easier time quitting tobacco than those who do not perform any type of physical activity.  Sport also has other benefits on psychological aspects such as: • It increases the feeling of well-being and reduces mental stress.  This occurs thanks to the release of endorphins that promote feeling good after exercise.  • Helps reduce the degree of aggressiveness, anxiety, anguish, anger and depression.  This is vital for those people who have a busy life and do not know how to manage their emotions well.  • Decreases the feeling of fatigue, giving more energy and ability to perform work.  • Facilitates some movements of daily life by improving the locomotor system.  • Last but not least, improve your sleep.  Rest is almost as important as sport.

Sports benefits

We tell you what are the benefits of sport and of carrying out physical activity on a day-to-day basis. Enter to learn more!


Foods with vitamin K

Find out which foods with vitamin K you can add to your diet to ensure your daily needs for this healthy nutrient.

Red wine

Benefits of red wine

Discover the surprising and powerful benefits of red wine. A drink whose unique properties can extend your life.

Immune system

How to increase defenses

Discover how to increase defenses: healthy habits that will help you strengthen your immune system and enjoy iron health.

Aerobic exercise

Anaerobic resistance

In this article we show you what are all the characteristics of anaerobic resistance and how to enhance it in exercises.


Potassium rich foods

Find out which foods are rich in potassium, a nutrient that participates in important body functions, and if you are taking enough.

Cup of green tea

Anti-cancer foods

Discover a wide variety of anticancer foods, which will also allow you to get a more solid and healthy diet.

Glazed donuts

Processed foods

Discover the main processed foods and why it is good for your health to limit their presence in the diet.


Watermelon Benefits

From improving performance in training to preventing illness: discover the incredible benefits of watermelon.


Omega 3 benefits

Discover the incredible benefits of omega 3 for your health, as well as the foods that will help you maintain good levels.

Football match

Sports benefits

Discover all the benefits of sport and be amazed by the many positive effects it has on both the body and the mind.

Man with glasses in bed

How to sleep well

Find out how to get a good night's sleep with these tips and tricks geared towards relaxation, good rest and, in general, a healthier life.

Benefits of running

Benefits of running

We show you what are the benefits of running. Enter here to learn everything that this physical activity can help you in your health.

Man in shower

Personal hygiene

Find out all about basic personal hygiene habits, key daily actions for both health and image.

Aerobic resistance

Aerobic resistance

Learn to improve your aerobic endurance by knowing in detail how it works and what are the best exercises for you.

Don Draper, from the series 'Mad Men', smoking

benefits of stop smoking

Discover the many benefits of quitting smoking. Some advantages that can be that necessary push to say goodbye to tobacco.

life coach

life coach

In this post we tell you what the Life coach is and what it is for. Learn about this new discipline here with all the details.


How to relieve a headache

Find out how to relieve headaches. Highly effective tips and tricks to combat headaches and continue with your daily routine.

gym clothing

Go to the gym

In this article we teach you the keys to go to the gym and not die trying. Learn all about it in this article.

Man walking through the field

Benefits of walking

Discover the amazing benefits of walking and how to turn this benefit-packed exercise into your workout.

Citrus fruits

Foods with vitamin C

Foods with vitamin C are essential for the body. Find out what they are and more interesting things about this nutrient.



We tell you all the features and effects of CrossFit. Enter here if you want to learn about this sport and its benefits.

Bowl of white rice

Energy foods

Discover the best energy foods for your diet. Healthy and very effective options when it comes to supplying you with the strength you need.



Trenbolone is used in bodybuilding for quick muscle mass gains. Know here all its effects on the body.

Rowing competition

Exercises to lose weight

There are many exercises to lose weight. Learn about the activities that will help you shed the extra pounds and get a more defined body.


Foods with calcium

Foods with calcium strengthen bones and muscles. Discover the many foods where you can find this mineral.


Protein foods

Know all about protein foods. How much is needed, what it is for and especially through what foods you can obtain them.

Benefits of the hack squat

Squat Hack

In this article we show you how you should do the Hack Squat and which muscles work on it. Learn all about this exercise here.

For people starting bikini and wanting to lose fat, the first thing they do is restrict their diet to a few "healthy" foods and buy so-called fat burners.  There are infinite types of fat burners and each one claims to act on some part of the movement of fats in adipose tissue.  However, how many of them are really useful?  We may find that the fitness industry bombards us with supplements and products that do wonders for our bodies and we forget to focus on the basics.  In this article we are going to explain to you which are the best fat burners and that they really work well in the body.  What does a fat burner do? The first thing to know is that a supplement does not do the job of removing body fat by itself.  This is not like this.  A good diet and exercise bases are needed for this.  The main thing is to be in a caloric deficit.  That is, consume fewer calories than we expend throughout the day.  If this caloric deficit is maintained over time, fat loss will begin to take place.  On the other hand, this deficit must be supported with weight training.  Our body tends to eliminate muscle since it is energetically expensive.  If we don't give the body a reason to maintain muscle mass, the body will shed muscle and not fat.  Therefore, it is essential to first get a proper diet that makes you be in a caloric deficit and second, accompany it with strength training.  If we lose muscle mass and not fat, we will notice our body more flaccid and with a very thin tone.  Finally, in the more advanced stages of fat loss, where it becomes much more difficult to advance, it may be interesting to introduce supplementation based on fat burners into our day-to-day lives.  But real fat burners and what works.  Many supplements, especially thermogenic ones, claim to raise body temperature to sweat more and burn more calories at rest.  This is totally untrue.  To date, the only fat-burning supplements that really have scientific backing for its operation are three: caffeine, synephrine, and green tea extract.  We are going to analyze each one of them in detail so that you can learn more about them.  Caffeine Caffeine is an alkaloid that belongs to the xanthine family.  The properties it has on the body and the improvement in fat burning is due to its stimulating effect on the central nervous system.  Caffeine is considered to be a kind of drug, since people become addicted to it.  However, if we want its effects to be noticeable in burning fat, we cannot take caffeine on a daily basis.  This is because our body becomes tolerant and we need more and more amounts of caffeine to have the same effect.  In this way, side effects are more likely to occur in the body and it is what we do not want.  Caffeine can affect your mood.  The maximum recommended dose in healthy people is between 400 and 600mg.  Besides being a stimulant of the central nervous system, it works by increasing the heart and respiratory rate.  They also have a diuretic effect that helps in the elimination of liquids.  It is not only used as a stimulant, but it is used to improve athletic performance, aid in fat loss and to focus on cognitive tasks.  It is estimated that caffeine usually lasts in our body between 4 and 6 hours until it takes to fully metabolize.  Depending on the sensitivity of each person to caffeine, this time varies.  This supplement begins to take effect about 45 minutes after ingesting it.  Therefore, the most common is that it is ingested an hour before going to the gym to train.  In this way, we gain all the possible positive effects of burning more fat while training and enhancing exercise performance.  Synephrine Synephrine is the main active ingredient found in bitter orange.  The peel of this type of oranges has been shown to have medicinal effects.  It is a natural and stimulating substance for the central nervous system.  It has hardly any harmful effects.  It induces fat loss, reducing appetite and improving athletic performance.  In addition, it helps to better preserve muscle tissue even if we are in conditions of energy deficit.  Among the benefits that we find from synephrine we have that it is a natural remedy and induces fat loss.  Increases basal metabolism and reduces appetite.  The good thing about this supplement is that, although it is stimulating, it does not affect the heart rate.  This is indicative that a larger group of people can take it.  In the case of caffeine, people with an accelerated heart rate, its consumption is not recommended at all.  Synephrine works synergistically with caffeine.  That is, if we take these two supplements at the same time, their combined effect is more than the effect of each one separately.  This is why synephrine and caffeine is the best supplement mix used so far.  You just have to play with the doses and the shots so that the body does not create tolerance and we get the most out of it.  Green tea extract Green tea has polyphenols and caffeine in its composition.  Studies show that people who took green tea extract lost 1,3 kg more than those who took placebo pills.  Its caffeine content also helps to stimulate the central nervous system, causing fats to be used as a source of fuel for your day to day.

Fat burners

In this article you will find everything you need to know about the three fat burners that do work: caffeine, synephrine and green tea.

Mediterranean dish

Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is the perfect complement to your healthy lifestyle. Know what to eat and the benefits that are obtained.



Clenbuterol is used to improve muscle mass and burn fat. However, there are many negative health effects. Get to know them here.

change of angle french press

French press

Get the most out of your French press for better triceps muscle development. Enter here to know more.

Pineapple diet

Pineapple diet

We tell you in detail everything you need to know about the pineapple diet. Here you can know its advantages and how to do it to lose kilos in a short time.

Military press

Military press

The military press is one of the best basic exercises to improve our deltoids. Here we show you how to do it correctly.

strength and muscle mass

Spartan training

Enter here to learn what Spartan training is and all its advantages. Also learn the routine to carry it out.

Posture characteristics 68

Posture 68

In this article you can learn everything you need to practice and enjoy the 68 posture. Enter here to learn more.

crossfit exercises

Crossfit at home

In this article you can find a routine to be able to do crossfit at home. Get in shape with some of the most interesting exercises.

grilled salmon

Perricone diet

Learn about the famous perricone diet in this article. Is it really safe and effective? Enter here to discover all its secrets.

How to masturbate a woman

How to masturbate a woman

In this article we explain the main guidelines to learn how to masturbate a woman and give her maximum pleasure. Learn all about it here.

Exercises with rubber bands

Rubber exercises

In this post we explain step by step some of the best exercises with rubber bands. You will have no excuse to exercise both at home and outdoors.

Endurance exercise

Resistance exercises

We show you which are the best resistance exercises. Enter here to find out what its benefits are. Do not miss it!

What to give your girlfriend

What to give your girlfriend

Enter here because we explain the best tips and tricks to know what to give your girlfriend. Don't miss out on the best gift ideas here.

Train with laces or not

Train with laces

We explain everything you need to know about training. Do you think it is good or bad to train with laces? Here we solve it for you.

Edgar Ramírez in 'Stone Hands'

Boxing benefits

Discover the many benefits of boxing for both the body and the mind. A method to get in shape as old as it is effective.


Andropause is a transitory state in men in which less testosterone is produced. Learn all about her here. We explain it to you in detail.

Exercises with fitball

Exercises with fitball

In this post we explain in detail which are the best exercises with fitball and we teach you how to do them. Come in and get in shape.

Improve Life Quality

Functional training

Enter and know everything you need to know about functional training. Learn about what works and how useful it is. Enters!

Dating apps

Dating apps

Enter and discover which are the best dating applications today. Know all its advantages and characteristics here.

Adequate weights to perform the hip thrust


The hip thrust is considered the best exercise to work glutes. Enter here and learn all about the correct technique. We explain it to you in detail.

Beautiful in men

Male hormones

Here we explain all about male hormones. Enter and know the complete operation and the importance of each one.

Neutral grip

Supine or prone grip

We tell you everything you need to know about the types of grip in the gym and what are the characteristics of the supine or prone grip.

Oblique crunches

Oblique crunches

Enter and learn among the best selection of exercises to do oblique abs. Know the main aspects to improve performance.

Best running apps

The best running apps

Discover the best apps for running, cycling, walking and improving your performance. Track your routes, heart rate, distance and more, for free!

Measuring tape

Reduce waist in men

Discover the best tips to reduce waist in men and get rid of fat accumulations effectively.

quality of Mercadona condoms

Mercadona condoms, reliable?

In this article we carry out a complete analysis on the origin of Mercadona condoms, their reliability and effectiveness. Come in and find out.

Fiber breakage

Fiber breakage

Find out all about fiber breakage. Symptoms, prevention, and what is done to treat this muscle injury.

isometric abs workout

Isometric abs

In this article you will be able to know all the necessary guidelines to perform perfect isometric abs and have the six pack.


Digestive Enzymes

Find out all about digestive enzymes. What role do they play in the body, how are they achieved and much more!

large triceps

Triceps brachii

The triceps brachii is one of the forgotten muscles when training arms in the gym. Discover here all its functions, how to train it and more!

know if it is unresolved sexual tension

Unresolved sexual tension

Unresolved sexual tension is the mutual desire of two people and it happens a lot in today's society. Learn here how to identify it and if you must solve it.


Foods with folic acid

Foods with folic acid are very important for health. Find out what they are and much more about this nutrient.

best activity bracelets

The best activity bracelets

In this article you will find the best activity wristbands of 2018. Learn to record your activity to increase sports performance.

How to surprise your partner

How to surprise your partner

The couple is something that ends up being neglected with routine and obligations. Discover here the best tips on how to surprise your partner.

Elastic band exercises to gain strength

Elastic band exercises

Discover the training with elastic bands. Learn to use them and get stronger with our routines and exercises to strengthen your muscles.

Itchy skin

Itchy skin

Itching on the skin is very common in the population. Know why they appear and how you should treat them so that they disappear.

Weight goals

Ideal weight in a man

Many people are overweight due to the pace of life we ​​lead. Learn in this article what is the ideal weight for a man.

How to make a hickey

How to make a hickey

Hickeys are sexual and loving marks that have been made to mark territory or demonstrate passion. Find out how to make a hickey here.

What to eat after training

What to eat after training

Many people do not know what to eat after training and do not achieve the results they want for it. Learn all about it here.

Flat stomach

Zone Diet

Find out all about the Zone Diet. What results can be expected, foods allowed and prohibited and what are its rules, pros and cons.

Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects 30% of men. Do you want to know how to solve it? Enter here and we will tell you everything.

Routine to increase muscle mass

Routine to increase muscle mass

Here you can learn about a routine to increase muscle mass and all the factors that you must take into account to achieve your goal.

Types of push-ups

Types of push-ups

Learn the different types of push-ups that exist to increase muscle mass in the pecs. Do you want to know what they are and how they are done?


Natural antioxidants

Find out why natural antioxidants are so important for a good quality of life and what foods contain them.

Preeminal fluid

Myths and facts about precum

In this post you can dispel all the myths about precum and the possibility of getting a woman pregnant. Do you want to learn all about it?

How to remove shoelaces

How to remove shoelaces

Learn how to remove the sore sore that come out after exercising. What tips should we follow to eliminate the annoying stiffness?

Tips for running on an empty stomach

Running on an empty stomach

Discover the necessary guidelines to run on an empty stomach correctly. In addition, you can dispel some myths about this sport. What are you waiting for?

How to gain muscle mass

How to gain muscle mass

In this post you will learn the necessary guidelines to gain muscle mass in a healthy way. Do you want to know everything about bodybuilding? Follow our advice and get to increase the size of your muscles easily and quickly.

Vegetarian diet

Tips for a healthy vegetarian diet

If you want to learn everything related to the vegetarian diet this is your post. You will be able to know what foods you need and what nutrients the foods have.

hypocaloric diets

Hypocaloric diet

Here you can discover the necessary guidelines to include healthy foods in your hypocaloric diet and lose weight healthily.


Aerobic exercises

Learn what aerobic exercises are, their physical and mental benefits, and many tips on how to practice them. How is it different from anaerobic exercise? Discover it here!

street workout in Puente

Street workout, train anywhere

Street training or street workout is a relatively new socio-sporting phenomenon, but currently very widespread. What did you sew on? What are your exercises?

Career goal

Resistance exercises

Resistance exercises can take your fitness to the next level. Find out here how to practice them and the many advantages they represent.

Measure belly

Exercises to lose belly

Discover the best exercises to lose belly. A workout that will help you get rid of excess abdominal fat efficiently.

Hiit training

Hiit training

Although Hiit training is currently very fashionable, its origin comes back to us for many years. What does this effective routine consist of? What exercises does it include?

full body

Full body routine

Do you want to train your whole body in the same day? Get in shape with our Full Body routine and this collection of exercises that will make you gain muscle mass and lose fat effectively.

avoid muscle contracture

Muscle contracture

What is muscle contracture? What are the causes that can cause this type of physical ailments? There are some important tips, which must be followed.


Do you know the Paleo diet? When we are looking for a slimming method or to preserve our figure, there are many options. The Paleo Diet is effective, how to integrate this method in our life?

Back exercises

Looking for back exercises to get stronger and gain muscle mass? Don't miss this list with more than 10 easy back exercises to do even at home. Having a strong back brings many benefits on a day-to-day basis, do you know what they are? Discover it here!


TRX exercises

With two straps a part of the body is suspended. In addition, it is based on the ground and flexibility, elasticity, strength and resistance are gained. They are TRX exercises: get strong with our routine and exercise list


Cleansing foods for your diet

Diet is a very important factor for health, so it is important to consume cleansing foods in a conscious and responsible way.

food lose weight

Ideal foods to lose weight

Not always when talking about diet to lose weight and lose weight, it has to be referred to drastic diets and exercise. There is a healthier way.


Ski resorts in Spain

In Spain there are many ski resorts, places that allow you to practice a large number of mountain sports. We will see some of them.

cold food

Nutrients to fight the cold

When it comes to nutrition, it is always recommended to look for and consume those foods that are capable of meeting the needs of the body and even fight the cold.

go on a diet

Going on a diet after Christmas

One of the biggest mistakes people make in January is to suddenly stop eating. Reducing food intake without proper diet advice will only increase anxiety and hunger.

meet women

What does a woman mean when she says ...?

Dictionary with all the usual habitual expressions of women that mean the opposite of what they actually say ... Tired of trick questions or giving wrong answers? Come in and you will never fail again.

Lying woman

How to identify a lying woman?

Tricks to identify a woman when she is lying or we think she is not telling us the truth. If you think your girlfriend is lying to you, we help you detect lying women

don't lose the line at Christmas

Don't lose the line at Christmas

The Christmas dates are coming and with so many celebrations, feasts, sweets and desserts, not losing the line at Christmas can be an impossible mission.

Reflection on whether to spend time with your partner

Is it good to ask for a couple time?

Find out if it is good and necessary to ask your partner for time when problems appear. Is it advisable to spend time with your partner? Discover the good and the bad of making this important decision for both of you.

Christmas excesses

How to avoid Christmas excesses?

One of the questions we ask ourselves before starting the holidays is: how to avoid Christmas excesses? What things should we take into account?

no pajamas

Pajamas yes or no

Each person has their own habits when it comes to going to bed. With pajamas, without it, naked, with a simple underwear, etc.

flirt or seduce

Flirt or be seduced

If you are the most handsome boy in the office, if you like those girls who seem unattainable, the doubt is to flirt or be seduced.

tea or coffee

Tea or coffee?

When choosing to drink tea or coffee, we must take into account some properties of one or the other. Which of these drinks contains the most caffeine?


Harvesting the mushrooms

With the arrival of autumn comes one of the most exquisite ingredients in the kitchen: mushrooms. In these months, this product is at its optimum moment.

stop snoring

Is it possible to stop snoring?

If you don't rest at night because your partner can't stop snoring, it's time to remedy. Also, if you are the one who does it.

healthy breakfast

Ideas for a healthy breakfast

An ideal healthy breakfast will give us the necessary strength to start the day with energy. It is proven that skipping breakfast influences weight gain.


Running, tips for a beginner

If you are starting out in running and running, there are some tips that you should keep in mind. The important thing is the progression.


Do you want to start being healthy?

How to have a healthy body? To achieve the nutritional state we want, a balance between the energy consumed and the energy expended is necessary.

singles travel

Singles trips, beyond the couple

On the Internet there are many proposals for singles trips. It is not traveling alone, but doing it with other people without a partner, with similar tastes.

adventure tourism

The best adventure tourism

Looking for radical and unusual alternatives for recreation and leisure? Maybe what you need is a bit of adventure tourism.

give up smoking

Alternatives to quit smoking

Quitting smoking is the goal of almost all smokers. Some sometimes do. Others take more work or relapse into vice.

things that make you laugh

What things make you laugh?

What things make you laugh? The benefits of a smile are more than proven. In addition to reducing our stress level, it gives greater productivity.


What sport to practice this fall?

The first thing to choose a sport is to analyze our physical condition. Are you physically prepared for the demands of the sport in question?

the dance

Dance as a weapon of seduction

Just as in some species of animals the male attracts the female with dance, the human being is no different. It can be a good weapon of seduction.


Tricks to play Paintball

Paintball is a team game in which strategy is the key to winning. Even above individual experience or skills.

lump in the anus

Lump in the anus

Do you have a lump in your anus? Discover here the symptoms, treatment, complications and possible causes either without pain or with pain and itching.

The Ice creams

Does ice cream make you fat?

Ice creams are more than just sweets. Thanks to their milk base, they are a nutritious food. They can contain calcium, protein and vitamin B2.

get over a breakup

Tips for getting over a breakup

It is difficult to get over a breakup and remove a person who participated in our life for a long time from our mind. It will be a slow process.

your self esteem

Tips to improve your self-esteem

It is important that you make the decision to work on your self-esteem, to feel good about yourself and your life. It is the way to be happy.

intestinal problems

Some intestinal problems in summer

The high temperatures of this season increase the appearance of bacteria, causing frequent intestinal problems if we do not take precautions.

To fall asleep

5 tips to fall asleep

Many times the night comes and we cannot fall asleep to recharge our energies. It is proven that not sleeping is dangerous for physical health.


Do men have cellulite?

It is a fairly widespread belief that cellulite is only a woman's thing. It really is not like that: men are also prone to suffer from this evil.

the obesity

Some useful tips against obesity

If we are aware of the symptoms of a problem, its treatment and solution will be much easier. Prevention against obesity is essential.

couple crisis

How to handle relationship crises

In general, couple crises are generated by incompatibility of characters, interests or external factors that affect each of the lovers.

Food in sport

Food in sport

Proper nutrition in sport is essential to perform at your best and reduce injuries. You won't earn points, but you get the machine ready

depression in men

Why do men get depressed?

Many men have a tendency to deny the evidence: men also get depressed, we have a hard time. Recognizing the problem is starting to treat it.


Choosing the fertility clinic

We have decided on the option of a fertility clinic to have a baby, and we have many doubts. It is necessary to analyze different variables.

Glasses with lemon champ

How to prepare a Lemon Champ?

We show you how to prepare a lemon champ or a delicious drink from lemon ice cream and champagne that you will love. Learn how to prepare it in a simple way with our recipe.

Phimosis, a very common disease of the man's penis

Phimosis is one of the most common diseases that men can suffer in the penis, however it usually has a quick and easy cure. We tell you how to know if you have phimosis, symptoms, treatment and how to solve it.

Penile diseases


The penis is the center of the universe of many men and therefore it must be taken care of as ...

The most common penis shapes

In men, the shape of the penis is decisive for performing sexual positions that generate greater satisfaction for the couple.

Solutions to increase muscle mass in a month

If you are looking to increase lean mass as a priority and not just weight, you have to emphasize the following tips, and thus hope to gain 2 kilos of pure muscle doing everything correctly.

Symptoms of prostate cancer

Several factors can increase the risk of prostate cancer, such as being over 60 years old, having cases of prostate cancer in the family.

Know the weak points of a woman and how to exploit them

What are the weak points of a woman?

Discover the main weaknesses of a woman and how to use them so that they melt at your feet. If you want to seduce a woman, pay attention to these areas of her body.

Tips to relax

It is convenient to use proven techniques to relax, yoga, meditation, self-awareness, are some means that can help you feel better and free your spirit from daily worries.

How to use an anal plug?

The anal plug is a good sex toy to start anal sex, it is smaller and more discreet than an anal sex-toy, and there is always a plug at the end so that you or your partner can handle it comfortably, and prevent the toy from stay inside the anus.

what is circumcision and its benefits

The benefits of circumcision

Find out what is and all the benefits of circumcision. Do you want to know if it affects sexual intercourse? Come in and find out.

Tips to boost morale

Raising the morale of someone who is sad and in a bad mood is not something easy, for this reason to raise morale, the first thing to do is to be aware that something is not right.

The 8-hour regimen

The 8-hour regimen is an eating method followed by many people and that proposes a diet in which you can eat as much as you want for 8 hours, and then fast for the next 16 hours.

What women think of fellatio

A partner of dubious hygiene or an imposed relationship: many women who reject this practice have lived an experience that has left them a bitter taste and that they are not willing to start again.

Tips to hydrate hair naturally

Natural remedies can be effective and healthy. Some tips like the ones we propose today allow you to hydrate your hair, without having to resort to artificial products.

Home remedies to hydrate the armpits

Some areas of the body are more delicate and sensitive than others, and among them we find the armpits that continuously suffer the effects of perspiration, deodorants, sun exposure, and so on.

Tips to avoid nail biting

The bad habit of nail biting has psychological causes. They bite their nails when there is poor control of certain emotions such as nervousness, anxiety or fear.

The six best beer-based cocktails

Summer is the season par excellence for aperitifs. And what better when it is hot than to taste a tasty cocktail or a very fresh beer? And why not mix them up? Let's look at the six best beer-based cocktails for when it's hot.

Benefits of spinning for men

Spinning benefits

Spinning is an aerobic activity that is very easy to practice and with a wide variety of benefits for the physical and health.

Irish car bomb drink recipe

Prepare an Irish car bomb

The Irish car bom is a drink that combines some of the most typical flavors of Ireland, such as black cherry, whiskey and Irish cream.

Tom Collins drink recipe

Make a Tom Collins cocktail

Tom Collins is one of the most popular cocktails among men. Based on gin, it is a drink for all occasions, which you can easily prepare at home.

How to make a Cuban orange mojito

Cuban orange mojito

The mojito is one of the most famous drinks in Cuba and the entire Caribbean, so it is ideal for the summer, especially if you prepare this Cuban orange mojito.

Benefits of jumping rope

Although it seems too simple, jumping rope is an excellent workout for the body, improving endurance, toning and strengthening muscles.

The most masculine drinks

Drinks exclusively for men

Usually the different drinks are characterized as those of men or girls, so today we offer you a selection of three very masculine drinks.

tricks to have healthy skin

Four tricks to improve facial skin

Taking care of the skin of the face is good, and knowing some secrets that will help you to do so. Each man has a skin type so he must adapt.

creatine powder

The best Fitness supplements

I never paid much attention to food, I went to and from the gym, sometimes I trained hard, but now I see the power ...

Panties and bra, candy!

panties, knickers, thong, candy panties, candy bra, candy bodice, candy bra, candy thong, candy underwear, gift for girlfriend

Prevention of HPV in men

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that is transmitted sexually. There are more than 40 ...

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is when a pathological enlargement of one or both mammary glands occurs in men. This condition ...

Absinthe, how to drink it?

Surely you have heard the liquor called Absinthe, an alcoholic drink with a slight anise flavor, prohibited in many countries due to ...

What are candilomas?

Candillomas are genital warts produced by the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus). These warts affect ...

Curved penis, is it normal?

A friend has told me in infidelity (sorry Naty) that she has been with a man and that when she saw his ...

Champagne jelly

If you want something new, today we bring you a rich champagne-based recipe, even if it is not a drink but ...

Tips for cooking sweetbreads

If you ever went to buy sweetbreads at the supermarket or a butcher shop, you will have seen that there are two types; a…

How to avoid eye spills?

Ocular effusion, also called subconjunctival hemorrhage, is a condition in the eye, in which it turns red. Is…

What is varicocele?

Varicocele is called a dilation of the veins along the spermatic cord that supports the testicles….

The different types of feet

Whenever we buy footwear, we must bear in mind that there are different morphological types of foot, and that according ...

What are chilblains?

Chilblains are those inflammation of the skin caused by poor blood flow, accompanied by itching and pain….